Mad Kraków city guide
On the service you order a guide to Krakow. In addition, it is possible to book a meal and accommodation in Krakow. For those interested in the schools, we can arrange a trip completely, without any additional fees. If you do not have a free term, we will offer you one of several guides to Krakow, who for several years with us. They are equally qualified guides Krakow - a trained historians and art historians, who, like me, want to show tourists Krakow with passion and a smile.
TEL. 504 818 283
TEL. 519 146 823
EMAIL: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
All inquiries regarding booking guided tours of Krakow, Krakow sightseeing tours, entrance fees and meals, please contact Martha Szymoniak (you can also use the form below). When I lead a group of Krakow, never pick up the phone - completely devote time to interesting guided tour group. Personally, I will contact you the day before sightseeing. Upon booking, you will receive an e-mail a document with a fixed route exploring Krakow, time, place of meeting and the rates of admission tickets.